
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Things about Blog Tours that I don't understand

Yep, it is that time again! I am curious, I am admittedly a little irritated/crabby, and I need some answers. Continuing on with the I Don't Understand series is blog tours. As always I do not mean to be insulting, and am not making this post about anyone in particular. If you fall into this category and feel that I am completely wrong or rude, just say so and we can talk about it.
So why am I irritated/crabby, whelp, I have issues sleeping and this is one of those days where I shall be getting none. I either sleep a lot or not at all, and never will I go to bed at a decent time unless I over work myself. Yesterday I slept a lot and was lazy so here I suffer. On to the top at hand since I've had too much time inside my own head again. The following are just a few simple things I don't understand about blog tours....

  Tight Schedules
 While I get having to post the promos, reviews, excerpts and the like on a timely manner (i.e. the day you requested and not a week later) as most blog tours only run for a week, the thing I don't get is the request to have them up at some odd hour like 8am. For me, I get barely a trickle of traffic at 8am, and my only guess to why something needs to be posted right then is for the different time zones. After a poll I have learned that most of my followers are from the U.S., which means they are only a few hours behind or ahead and either in bed or at work and unable to loiter facebook. I know my page better than anyone, and granted most of the time (if I go to bed) I sleep until the noon or evening, those times are the best for posting. It just seems to be when everyone is free and glances around the newsfeed. So why such an early hour? Or even weirder, you must post after midnight but before 8am your time. Maybe I could understand this better if it came with an explanation like "I live in the UK or Australia and those will be the only hours I can see your posts." But I get zilch when I ask, and typically it follows with some rude reply. You know how I feel about rude remarks... yelling2
Yep, that is what it turns into. Guess this makes this two things I don't understand in one post. Why so early, and why the mean comeback when I was just asking a question? You know what I said? Copied and posted so you can make judgments; "Hey, how are you doing? The post is up but I have a question. Just being curious is all. Why do you ask for the posts to go up so early? I don't really mind doing it, but it seems odd to me." To me that isn't rude, however, I have been known to get lines mixed up on an occasion...

  Blog tours that don't pass the love
 So what is a blog tour exactly? The way it was explained to me is as follows: A blog tour is like a regular tour that involves questions to the author(s), excerpts from their latest book(s), news on any WIP(s) with promos and possibly giveaways, and even (a) cover reveal(s). Think of it like an author jumping from convention to convention giving an hour long speech about what they do and why everyone should be interested in it, except these authors don't need to leave the state, or house. It is a more efficient way for everyone to get to know someone new, or learn more about something they love without having to spend a dime. There is typically one stop a day for about a week, sometimes more stops a day with a long time frame. Sweet! Sounds great to me, and I can totally see how it would help the author out. But when an author is going from convention to convention, or bookstore to bookstore, they typically give a shoot out to that place so everyone can follow along. "Hey everyone, will be at Bookstore Conventions today, stop on by and say hi!" So what gets me is when a blog tour goes on and nothing is said about it from the author... Granted it can be hard to keep track, but even a quick shout out later on will direct people back around. I mean the stuff is online so it will be there awhile (or forever) to go look at. Blogs need attention, too. :( pleasesir
 This can exclude cover reveals, who honestly wants to shout that many blogs out in one day to say the same exact thing? LOOK AT THE COVER! Although maybe everyone on your facebook page will finally get to see it, LOL. (Darn facebook for hiding stuff)

  Impersonal Tours
If a blog tour (which I may totally have the definition wrong here, in which case I just sound like an ass) are like a normal national/international author tour, why do some lack personality? Put some oomph into it! I was a part of the Dirt Thirty Blog Tour which I thought rocked socks because it was obviously R.M. Gilmore everywhere and not a robot. While I enjoy a good promo post every now and then, I want to get in the author's head. I want to meet them and discover who they are outside the novel. Give me a little personality! Picture sort of related.

 Whelp, I have probably bored you all enough here, so it is time to wrap this baby up. In closing, I would love to have a personal blog tour just for giggles. Something that obviously says me even though I don't have a book out. It just looks like fun. Big thank you shout out to anyone who would help beforehand though it will probably never happen. (I can dream, can't I? :P ) And maybe one day I will get some further insights. Really hope I had the definition of a blog tour right, otherwise this is embarrassing and now up for everyone to see....
Oh well, we all make mistakes and how am I supposed to know? Check ya'll later my lovely vamps, lots of love!

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