
Monday, December 9, 2013

What Really Grinds My Gears: Social Stigmas by Scarlett Jade

I have been honored with the appearance of a wonderful guest to talk about the social stigmas that can follow romance and erotica authors. These are her thoughts and feelings...

I have been writing most of my life and just recently self published two novellas. When people ask me what they are about, I cautiously reply: “Paranormal Romance maybe bordering for some on Erotica.” I nine times out of ten get the same response. Usually this awkward shifty eyed look and a quiet, “Oh.” I realize that it is bad enough to say I'm a writer for a living but it is doubly awful to work in the Romantic/Erotic genre.
I had a long time friend inform me that in her opinion, I was corrupting the youth of America with my trash writing. Well, here was my response. 

One, my books are not meant for under 18 years of age. Therefore, I am not corrupting the “youth” of America. Frankly, I believe the youth of America are being plenty corrupted with or without my novellas, but that is a whole different story.

Two, my books are geared toward women who want to read something sexy and be taken away to somewhere just for a little while. What is so wrong with an escape and it happening to be sexy? It bothers me that there is such a stigma about women and sexuality, even in this day and time. I am a grown woman and very comfortable with my sexuality, as are most of my readers.

Three, I think that anything that gets people reading is better than nothing at all. We as a society need to read more. If that starts with a novella with a sexy plot, so be it. It is still a way to engage your mind.
Even though I have met several people with stigmas against romance and erotica authors, I have met tens more who are incredibly supportive and kind. Don't be afraid to be who you are and accept fully what you write.

Written by Scarlett Jade, romance and erotica author. 
Thank you so much for sharing, Scarlett. If  it helps, I look forward to reading your next book and would never turn a good romance or erotica down. ;)
scarlett author

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