
Monday, December 9, 2013

Love during Death by Rachel A Olson and Jessica Humphrey

love during death
Paranromal Romance
Is love worth having even if it's not meant to be kept?
After a series of strange and deadly events, Fia Dannii discovers what it is truly like to live after death. Stuck in the in-between, Fia sets out to discover what in life she missed that would be preventing her from passing on. When Dion walks into her life after death, Fia struggles to believe that he holds the key to her afterlife, and her heart. Fia has to choose between loving Dion or walking the earth forever as an entity, stuck in the in-between.

I gave it three out of five stars. 
The idea behind the book is good, a woman named Fia never truly experienced love and after a tragic event, ends up dying. Now she is stuck trying to figure out what she missed that ties her to the in-between. Can you find love during death?

The writing style is very simple and while the beginning was wonderful and engaging, the middle grew kind of boring. It was sort of like the author was looking for some filler to make her story a novel. You connect with the characters decently, especially Fia. But there were some points that had me kind of scratching my head... Suddenly this happens and it turns out they could do it all along! Huh? Oh well, I pressed on and I'm so glad I did! The ending was amazing! Seriously, in a twist of events you are given such a shocker that every complaint you might have had about the book is thrown out the window! I was blown away and ended up reading and rereading it just to experience the thrill again.

I found parts of it to be amusing; as a ghost this young woman does everything I think I would do if I were in her position. There was plenty to giggle over that gave you a moment to get over the depressing feel of Fia's situation. I felt the way they conveyed the main character's feelings were realistic, given what had happened to her. And of course the rest of the cast was pleasant to learn and read about. Dion was dreamy!
Overall this book isn't what you would normally expect from a "Ghost story" and while it maybe a little hard to push through, the ending result was worth it. I ended up paying for the paperback version, which looks nice and all, but I wish I would have went with the kindle. Don't get me wrong, I would have still bought it if I knew it would turn out the way it did, and I still recommend it to anyone who is looking for a new spin on paranormal romance.

Kindle and paperback editions found here:

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