
Saturday, December 20, 2014

Another Vampy Rant

I recently joined an anthology with six other amazing authors. The experience has been terrific; everyone taking part in it was supportive and encouraging while we all worked on our winter themed pieces. Today the anthology has gone live and can be downloaded for free on smashwords:

Exciting, right? I was planning on celebrating this amazing step but the party in on hold because I couldn't keep my mouth shut. I babbled away about this adventure to some friends and family whom most of which were happy for me- the rest were a little less thrilled. In fact, it has me irate. Here is some of the oh-so-wonderful ?(sarcasm) comments I have received so far because I wanted to do something fun.

1. "When is your book going to be done?"
When asked out of curiosity it can be a great conversation starter, when asked with a snotty tone it makes me irritated. The book will be done whenever it gets done! I don't need to hear this every week from the same person. Stop.

2. "What a cute hobby!"
... Why on earth would you say this to anyone? "How cool," "that's interesting," or "wow, did you have fun?" is ten times better than referring to something I take seriously as a cute hobby.

3. "Congrats, you wrote a short story. Just like thousands of other people in the world."
Can you be anymore of a Debby Downer? Who cares if thousands of other people did it, this is a HUGE step for me! I'm not doing this to impress anyone, and if the only thing you can think of to say is something negative, please don't say anything at all. I'd rather ignore the topic altogether than have to hear that again.

4. "Are you actually going to write something real, or are you just going to do a couple of shorts?"
My mind is still blown from this one... The length of a story doesn't make one "any less real" than the other. What are you trying to say here?!

5. "Don't waste money on something you aren't going to finish."
This was said because I admitted to having a WIP with a cover picked out and ready to go. First, I'm paying for everything so I'm pretty sure what gets spent on the book doesn't need someone else's nose in it. Second, why on earth would you ever say this asinine assumption out loud? I get some people don't have a filter but really? It's already finished, thank you very much. It's just waiting for me to have enough time to sort out copyrights, do the formatting, and finish up one last look through.

6. "Don't you ever do something fun?"
Writing- and reading- IS fun for me. Anyone who listens to me talk for more than five minutes knows that. I can't even....

I'm guessing this is just a taste of what other authors go through and I must admit I'm not too excited about the experience anymore. This doesn't stop me from writing but I doubt I'll make much of a fuss about publishing next time. I'm not doing this for attention, or to impress, I'm doing it for me. If there is nothing to say that is positive, please don't say it at all.
I'd rather change the topic to kittens or Star Wars than hear another low ball round of insults like this again.

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